Customer Safety is Number #1

We love people and especially sharing food with people, which has made these troubling times especially difficult for us all. If you are receiving this email than you have been into Delicatus whether it is to grab a great sandwich, a bottle of wine or if you have attended our dinners in the past you know, for us food is all about social interactions. It is this love and desire to build a community that got us into the restaurant industry in the first place. As we all work together to find a path back to something resembling normal, please know that we at Delicatus are taking steps everyday to ensure our Community is safe. Daily temperature checks, sanitizing, mask wearing and hand scrubbing are just a few basic steps we continuously take each day.
We hope each and everyone of you is safe, happy and healthy. We also wish to express a heartfelt gratitude for ALL of the incredible support we have experienced from so many of you. With much love and appreciation,
Mike, Derek & The Delicatus Crew